Overnight it seems, Miss Hannah Banana has grown out of her size 3 sneakers. Why don't I remember this occuring with Leyla? What's even more strange in my mind is that there is not a size 4 shoe to be found in our house! Did Leyla skip that size completely?! I mean, I have a huge bag of size 5s, but no 4s. So, I went shopping for shoes today at lunch. I had a nice time but had to be good because there were so many cute shoes and I wanted to buy them all. Instead I left with a pair of Abby Cadaby sneakers and a pair of cute gray and pink sandals I know she will look adorable in! I can't wait for her to see them because on a daily basis she is so cute saying "shoes" when we tell her to go get her shoes and running to get whatever shoes she can find in the house, even if they are not hers! And I got a really adorable pair of pink flip flops that I know Leyla will love to wear going for her swim lessons. I'm not into buying something for Leyla every time I get something for Hannah, but I couldn't pass these up.
On the topic of shoes, the other day Hannah was looking for Grampy. Now, she has not been able (or willing most likely) to say "Grammy" or "Grampy" whereas those were two of Leyla's first words - although they were "Ree" (Grammy) and "Ricky" (Grampy). In any case, Sunday I was doing laundry while Leyla was out at church with Grammy and Hannah goes over to Grampy's shoe drawer, picks out two shoes (different shoes - two right feet) and says "Bampy!" - so off we go to find "Bampy" and give him his "pair" of shoes! Apparently she's quit not saying Grammy and Grampy's names and they are no "Bammy" and "Bampy"!
When it comes to Hannah and shoes or clothes, she wouldn't care if she wore something too big, too small, or whatever I put on her. Leyla on the other hand will flip out in less than .5 seconds if it's the SLIGHTEST bit too small, too big, too tight, too brown, too purple, too whatever! Good luck to me when she gets older! It's amazing how different two girls can be and yet how amazing they both are in their own special ways. I love you Leyla! I love you Hannah!