Friday, December 30, 2011

My messy house

I love my messy house.  Well, not always, but when I think of the alternative, I love my messy house.  A messy house is a lived in house.  Sure, I don't want it so messy I can't function, which some of the rooms definitely are and I'm going to work on hopefully this weekend.  I mean, I absolutely HATE that I can't find my gloves, especially on these cold days, so I will find them this weekend.  But, I look at all the toys and stuffed animals and blankets strewn about and I know that our house is a fun, played in, exciting house filled with lots of laughter.  Sure, we have our ups and downs, but I think we are a happy family.  We are lucky to have such amazing girls and I wouldn't change my messy and chaotic life for anything.  Yes, every day I wish I were a stay at home Mom and every day I wish I could find things and every day I wish that Leyla wouldn't have tantrums, but again, what's the alternative?  A life without my girls?  That would be unimagineable.  So, I am thankful for my messy house.  And I'm thankful for our girl time last night while Daddy went to the movies - girl time taking a shower, getting all lotioned up and in jammies, and then snuggling on the bed reading lots of books.  So, instead of cleaning my house I'm going to just keep making fabulous memories...and maybe during their nap I'll find my gloves...or maybe I should just go buy a new pair!

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