Thursday, November 6, 2014


It's that time of year where Facebook explodes with daily thankful posts. I've done this in the past and then gotten upset with myself when I don't post what I'm thankful that day, which I feel is not the point of the activity. I feel like Facebook and Pinterest and all these things have set mothers up to feel like we're not living up to the lives we should be living. So, instead of posting on Facebook this year what I'm thankful for each day, I'm going to use this post to tell my couple of readers what I'm thankful for.

I'm thankful for those who do read my blog - I'm not the greatest writer and I don't blog very often, but I'm thankful for those of you who follow me.

I'm thankful for my family who supports me in everything I do - my parents, who are my rocks, who raised me to be a pretty good person, and support my husband, girls, and I more than I could ever imagine - Mahir, who has loved me unconditionally since the moment we met and gave up so much to be here with me - Leyla and Hannah, who have loved me unconditionally from the moment they were born and can make me feel like the most important person in the world to them and drive me crazy all in one moment. You are my world and I can only hope that each day of the rest of my life I can be a better daughter, wife, and mother to the 5 of you. 

I'm thankful for my true friends - the ones who have stood by me through thick and thin - the ones who don't leave because I don't have a chance to email or call or drop by in days, weeks, months, etc.

I'm thankful for my job and my boss and all those who challenge me day in and day out to be a better worker. 

I'm thankful for my amazing godparents, who have been adoptive godparents to my husband and girls from the moment they entered my life, for my church family, and our amazing priest who is also my friend.

I'm thankful for the roof over my head, for my health despite the extra weight I carry, for iced tea, for sunrises and sunsets, for my Dad's camp and the amazing summer we had there and so many more to come, for fires in the wood stove, and all the little things and the big things that make life what it is.

I'm thankful.

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