Thursday, July 31, 2014

Time & the little things

First of all, I can't believe I haven't blogged in 5 months.  Yes, I'm crazy busy, but this blog is important to me and I'd like to be able to make the time to post.  The last time I blogged I had a I'm a month away from sending Leyla to kindergarten and Hannah to preschool.  Where did time go?  When did they grow up and no longer look like those little babies that are in the photo of the front of my blog?  Yes, time flies, and there's nothing I can do about it.  I'm trying very hard to enjoy every second.  Some days are better than others as any fellow Mom will understand.  We're having a great summer, spending some time each weekend down at "Camp David" (that's for another blog post) and soaking up as much time as possible before back to school. 

Part of my intention in creating my blog at the beginning was to teach my girls some things and leave them words of wisdom for down the road.  I have lots of thoughts and never get them down in this blog but this morning's event was very important for me to document.  We all know that the little things are important and I hope that Leyla and Hannah learn this as well.  As society seems to become more and more selfish and people walk around with their noses in their phones, I'd like to teach the girls that the little things matter and that they need to look up and look around them.  Dennis, the Boston Herald man, stands across from South Station selling his newspapers.  He always greets me and my fellow commuters as we come across the street and puts a smile on our faces each morning (EARLY - 6:30 AM!).  Recently he started using sidewalk chalk and writing words of wisdom, including my favorite giving us "warriors", as he calls us, encouragement as we begin our day.  I don't know if he realizes how important his notes are to me and my day.  So, the other day I was at the Dollar Tree and I bought a box of chalk to give him.  I forgot it on Monday and again Tuesday and so I brought it today.  You would have thought I had given him the world when I held up that box of chalk.  He jumped up and down like an excited kid and gave me a hug.  He was so appreciative of a box that cost me $1.  I made his day and he definitely made my day and I'm sure will continue to make my days going forward as I see the words, pictures, and inspiration he provides us.  I am grateful for the little things that truly are big things.  I challenge everyone to do something little each day because it really could be a big thing to someone.  And I challenge my girls to try and live life with the little things being just as important as the big things. 

I love you Leyla and Hannah.  You are my world.

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